Where we live

Where we live


The world is dark. Early this morning from my kitchen window, I watched the sun rise over the cross with bright, white light breaking through the Ponderosas - no rose hues this morning - and I thought, “Darkness is not the Lord’s realm. All is light.”

The sunrise is a beautiful picture but an incomplete one. On this day, beneath the sunrise and on the ground - where we live - is a parched forest floor. The struggle is multi-faceted - environmental, political, biological and relational. Did I mention spiritual struggle?

Then, these lines from Wendell Berry reminded me to…

Be joyful though you have considered all the facts.

Practice resurrection.

I resolve to drink in every drop of joy, beauty and delight today though I know what lies beyond my forest dwelling. I do not want to miss a thing that the “Lord of light” sends my way.

The light shines in the darkness, and the

darkness has not overcome it.

John 1:5

We Are Through!

We Are Through!

The Weary World Rejoices!

The Weary World Rejoices!