The Kettle Sang

The Kettle Sang

The young woman beamed as she handed each boy a dollar bill. The two children, both physically and mentally challenged, eagerly stuffed their bills into the slot of the Salvation Army kettle as my husband and I stood nearby ringing our bells. We were watching joy unfold close at hand.

The wonder was surpassed only when a very old couple ~ he with missing teeth and a limp, she bent over with age, each fished in their pockets until they found loose change which they fed into the kettle’s slot. The widow’s mite.

We witnessed these acts of worship while we added our own, shouting, “Merry Christmas!” to hundreds of people and adding, “Thank you. God bless you,” each time someone made the kettle sing.

We sang. The kettle sang. The givers sang. Heaven sang,

“Joy to the world, the Lord is come!”

Passover Full Moon

Passover Full Moon

"I have seen the Lord!"

"I have seen the Lord!"